Friday, April 4, 2014

D is for (The) Divine -- A - Z Challenge

One of my favorite activities while I'm drinking is listening to The Gospel, spoken by the Bishop TD Jakes. I'm often searching for his sermons on youtube weekly. Most inspiring words, he speaks. Another sage who reaches me, when I am unable to be reached by others.

Having been raised by a racist family, I've often found that despite my family's prejudice, people of color possess the most blessed mindsets. I was adopted, not cut from the same cloth as my parents. It's easy to be taught prejudice as a child, but later on, when you discover that hate serves no purpose other than to hurt the hater, one begins to reach out for other beliefs.

I am not about hate. Sure I've harbored opinions about other races....but really, how ridiculous.

All I want to do now is love others. Fuck skin color. These are my bothers and sisters. God sent me here to help them in some way. Prejudice serves no purpose in my life now.

Without God in my life, I'd be lost. Listening to the Bishops sermons (even while I drink) touches me in such a way that I begin to believe there's still hope for me. And others who suffer from addictions.


  1. I am so with you about prejudice, or bigotry of any kind. We don't judge people by labels; we judge them, if at all, by the content of their character. I have friends across the spectrum, and they are all beautiful, God doesn't create any junk! I've seen your comments about your friends, you are loving and devoted. Your knew in yourself that much of what you were taught was wrong, and you have grown to make your own choices and embrace others on your own terms.

    God is the only way I have survived what I have in life, faith is what keeps my heart beating. The times when I tuned God out were some of the darkest times in my life. I know better now. God is love Ruby, and most assuredly God loves you... even more than I do... imagine how much that is!!! There is always hope for you, it's about choices, just as in your previous post. God is always right there waiting when you are ready to chose to live a different way. My prayer for you is a place of peace and joy, a place where you feel no shame, no sorrow, but true contentment and acceptance. It's there, I promise you it's there. Keep listening to those sermons, God uses many angels to send messages to our ears! HUGS, Josie

    1. I wept as I read your reply, Josie. You're right, we have choices. Despite my upbringing, my heart cannot dismiss a person because of their color. Pretty sure mom taught me this, even though she had her racist side. In front of anyone, she remained loving and kind...generous and compassionate. Although she had her dark moments too, spoken out of fear and anger. But her soul loved everyone, even though life tested her. We owned a laundrymat and cleaners in East St. Louis, IL, one of the most dangerous places in America....handed down to mom by my Nanny who owned the business back in the 50s and early 60s when that area was decent. She and my father were robbed many times. Their lives threatened....all of our customers were black. So now you know where the prejudice stemmed from. But the reverse is also true. If black, and antagonized by white folks, I can understand one's anger and resentment. Thank God that He is forgiving. The only truth in this world is love. Fear is a man-made illusion and it breeds discrimination. Thank you for your post xoxo

  2. It's great that you've got something, like your faith, that you can grasp hold of and keep in your heart. As for prejudice... well I read this without it.

    1. Thank you virtuallyallsorts. Much love to you. xo
