Wednesday, April 23, 2014

There are no words for today. All is well, just exhausted. Have to make a 60-mile round trip tomorrow. My girlfriend just notified me of this a half hour ago. Storms tomorrow too. All on (so far) 1.5 hours of sleep. Hope I get more tonight. Gotta train the fatties at 4:45a.


  1. You made it through the day, that's what matters! I'm praying that you are able to get some good sleep tonight, so you'll be up and ready at that ungodly hour in the morning. You can do this, God's got you safe in His hands. Sleep well, dear one, dream good dreams! OXOX, Jos

  2. Hope you had a restful night. Glad to hear all is well. Hoping your drive is not too nerve wracking with the storms. Praying for you and pulling for you everyday!
